Dur-Dur Band - Volume 5

Format: LP
Availability: In stock



Back in press by popular demand! Dur-Dur Band's 1989 recording Vol. 5 on tape, which was released on Awesome Tapes From Africa in 2013 on all formats. From the late 1960s until the early 1990s, the particularly vibrant music scene in Mogadishu was teeming with pop and folk musicians whose influences spanned several genres of Somali traditional music alongside influences from abroad. Dur-Dur Band's music emerges from a time when Somalia's distinctive contribution to the creative culture in the Horn of Africa was clear and abundant, hundreds of recordings made at the Somali National Theatre, Radio Mogadishu and other studios, combined with cherished clubs like Juba and Jazeera and al-Curuuba Discotheque created a backdrop for a flourishing music scene.

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