Erkin Koray - Elektronik Türküler

Format: LP
Availability: Out of stock



Technically his 2nd LP after a collection of singles, this benchmark record from 1974 taught Istanbul’s musicians & pop fans how to put Turkish folk songs from the 17th century together with meaty, thundering guitar solos. With a crack bass player by his side (Ahmet Güvenç from Bunalim & Baris Manco’s Kurtalan Ekspres) & an electrified baglama in his hands, Erkin Koray lets his gloomy baritone voice float over wiry double-reed melodies, bulging riffs, & hammer-ons that go on for-friggin-ever. Savagery begins at home people, so make sure you get a physical copy of the best record by the Turkish Hendrix into your house.

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