Pedro Ricardo - Soprem Bons Ventos

Format: LP
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Debut album from the Portuguese multi-instrumentalist, producer and DJ. A nostalgic yet timeless piece that lovingly fuses jazz, electronic, and traditional Portuguese folk.

“The album translates to ‘Good Winds Blow’, shares Ricardo. “This idea of good winds blowing is intertwined with the feeling of missing something, and sadness. On a positive note, there is still an overarching sense that happiness also lies ahead. Soprem Bons Ventos represents an ode to the past, to those who came before me, connecting with my present and imagining the future.”

Stylistically, Ricardo became entranced with jazz from an early age, while also becoming enamoured with folk music – rooted in his Portugal childhood, now encompassing sounds from Cape Verde, Brazil, and Spain along the way. He intertwines these instrumental influences with field recordings, and electronics, on Soprem Bons Ventos.

The album is a journey that encompasses nostalgia, love, longing, and togetherness, tenderly intertwined throughout with vibrant percussion, whispers of vocals, soaring keys, and delicate guitars.

All tracks written and produced by Pedro Ricardo

Additional drums on 'Soprem Bons Ventos' and 'Ode ao Gato' by Luís Neto Additional vocals on 'Déhéba' by Luís Neto

Drums recorded by Cláudio Tavares at Arda Recorders, Porto Mixed by Luís Neto at Agueiro, Gaia

Original artwork by Gosia Machon Mastering by Frank Merritt, The Carvery Studio, London Layout by Meurig Rees

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